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Accidental Anarchist

7.6 / 77 votes

UK Cinema Release Date

Saturday 9th September 2017
Accidental Anarchist poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed.
Current Status:released

Next Showing:

None. Last shown in UK cinemas on 9th September 2017.
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Biography, Documentary, History




1 hour 24 minutes (approx.)

Movie Synopsis:

Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became disillusioned, quit his job and started searching for answers. This film traces his journey across the globe as he tries to find an answer to the question so many people today are asking themselves - isn't there a better way? For Carne there is. Anarchism offers a solution to the brutalities of Capitalism and the dishonesties of Democracy. It offers a world where people have control over their own lives. From the protesters of Occupy Wall Street, to an anarchist collective in Spain, to Noam Chomsky, the grand old man of anarchism himself, Carne finds people who are putting the theory into practice. His journey eventually takes him to one of the most dangerous places on earth - Syria, eight kilometers from the front.

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